Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

[Review] The Vow: The True Events that Inspired the Movie

Diposting oleh Fhily Anastasya di 05.21
Main Title: The Vow
Sub Title: The True Events that Inspired the Movie
Author: Kim Carpenter, Krickitt Carpenter, John Perry, Dana Wilkerson
Publisher: B&H Books
Pages: 183
1st Published: February 10th 2012
ISBN:143367579X (ISBN13: 978143367579)
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir

Sinopsis :
Life as Kim and Krickitt Carpenter knew it was shattered beyond recognition on November 24, 1993. Two months after their marriage, a devastating car wreck left Krickitt with a massive head injury and in a coma for weeks.

When she finally awoke, she had no idea who Kim was. With no recollection of their relationship and while Krickitt experienced personality changes common to those who suffer head injuries, Kim realized the woman he had married essentially died in the accident.

And yet, against all odds, but through the common faith in Christ that sustained them, Kim and Krickitt fell in love all over again. Even though Kim stood by Krickitt through the darkest times a husband can ever imagine, he insists, “I’m no hero. I made a vow.”


But she no longer thought she was my wife: She didn't want to be mine. In the disoriented state she was in, she did not know what she wanted. I felt she had no more love for me. Just a few months after our wedding, the woman I had married seemingly hated me. And it was breaking my heart.

Philippians 4:6–9—Read and dwell on this.

Bagaimana rasanya jika seseorang yang kamu cintai dengan sepenuh hatimu terbangun dengan keadaan tidak mengenali kamu sama sekali? Feels you like a stranger?
Begitulah yang dirasakan oleh Kim, isterinya yang baru dinikahinya selama dua bulan terbangun dengan tidak mengenalnya! Setelah car accident yang mereka alami.
Bagaimana bisa? Bagaimana ia melupakan saat-saat indah yang mereka telah lalui bersama? Dan bagaimana ia bisa melupakan cara mereka untuk saling mencintai?

“Krickitt, who’s your husband?”
Krickitt looked at me again and back at the therapist. I was sure everyone could hear my heart thudding as I waited for my wife’s answer in silence and desperation.
“I’m not married.”
No! God, please!The therapist tried again, “No, Krickitt, you are married. Who’s your husband?”
She wrinkled her brow. “Todd?” she questioned.
Her old boyfriend from California? Help her remember, God!“Krickitt, please think. Who’s your husband?”
“I told you. I’m not married.”


Tertarik buat baca buku ini setelah nonton The Vow sih. And I liked that movie. Terlepas yang entah mengapa Channing Tatum kalau dalam film yang saya nonton nasibnya ngenes -_-" contohnya Dear John. Dan kebetulan filmnya mengambil dua pemain dari filmnya Nicholas Sparks. Channing Tatum from Dear John and Rachel McAdams from The Notebook. Jadi setelah tahu nih film (padahal rilisnya valentine tahun lalu -_-) saya excited buat nonton. Dan baru bisa nonton tahun 2013 ini. Oke... oke... sebenarnya disini bukan untuk bahas film tapi bahas buku yang satu ini. Oh ya, ini bukan fiksi seperti novel-novelnya Nicholas Sparks... it's based on true story.
Dalam buku ini menceritakan tentang kehidupannya Kim dan Krickitt Carpenter sepasang suami isteri yang menikah pada tanggal 18 September 1993. Setelah melalui pertemuan yang berkesan, dan jalan mereka saling mencintai akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk menikah.

Mr and Mrs Kim J. Carpenter September 18, 1993
Leo and Paige on The Vow Movie
Tapi ternyata kebahagiaan itu tak berlangsung lama. A night before thanksgiving 1993 they got an car accident. Kecelakaan yang membuat mobil mereka hancur namun hanya keajaiban yang bisa menyelamatkan mereka. Walaupun dengan kehilangan ingatannya Krickitt.

Kim & Krickitt's Car after the Accident

Leo & Paige Accident on The Vow Movie
Itu membuat keadaan yang sulit bagi Kim. Dia harus belajar menerima sakit hati yang ia rasakan selama Krickitt menganggapnya sebagai orang asing. Berusaha hidup dengan keadaan Krickitt yang seperti itu. Bahkan ada masa dimana ia harus menyerah. Tapi sebagaimana ia telah bersumpah dulu ia harus membuat Krickitt merasakan 'cinta' kepadanya lagi. Bagaimanapun keadaan Krickitt sekarang dia selalu mencintainya. Tapi bagaimanakah jika ingatan Krickitt tak akan pernah kembali? Apakah ia masih tetap mampu bertahan menerima Krickitt?

God will never forget you. He says he will never leave you comfortless, and he won’t. You can’t use him up or wear him out. Hang on to him, Kim. He’s the most powerful force for good you have. He won’t forget you. So please don’t forget him

Fighting to built the whole memories
Kalau soal autobiografi seperti ini saya nggak akan membicarakan soal penulisannya melainkan makna yang ada di dalam bukunya. Dan buku ini dapat banget (mungkin pengaruh juga sih karena saya suka filmnya) bagaimana cara Kim berjuang untuk Krickitt yang walaupun tidak pernah mendapatkan ingatannya.

 But she no longer thought she was my wife: She didn't want to be mine. In the disoriented state she was in, she did not know what she wanted. I felt she had no more love for me. Just a few months after our wedding, the woman I had married seemingly hated me. And it was breaking my heart.
Walaupun melewati banyak rintangan yang membuat beberapa kali hatinya harus hancur berkeping-keping tetapi itu tidak menyulutkannya. Sehingga walaupun Krickitt tak bisa mengingat masa-masanya bersama Kim. Tetapi ia berhasil membangun memori baru bersama. Dan menghasilkan dua buah hati pula :)
Yang saya suka juga banyak pelajaran rohani yang bisa dipetik dari dalam buku ini.

As this book comes to an end, our lives will continue on. As you close the back cover to this book, I want you to remember that in life you will encounter some very tough times, but you can find your strength in God. If there is something missing in your life, seek the Lord. If you once had him in your life and now he seems far away, guess who moved? He is still there; just go to him. He loves you with an everlasting love, and through obedience to him all commitments will endure.
We made a vow.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

2 komentar:

destinugrainy mengatakan...

Ini non fiksi tapi alur ceritanya kayak fiksi ya?

Fhily Anastasya mengatakan...
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